Thursday, December 24, 2009

My Picture with the Big Guy

Last night Mommy and Daddy took me to get my picture made with Santa. I was such a big boy and sat on the sleigh. I wouldn't look at Santa, but I did let the Elf take my picture. Here is a picture of the real picture. Sorry for the flash thingy, but Mommy did the best she could.

Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Watch out Ringo comes Tyler!

My wonderful Aunt Alicia and Uncle Aaron gave me a drum set for Christmas. A real, live drum set!! I love to play and sing. In fact, I've done it all afternoon!!! Here's my first music video.

Christmas fun has begun!

This weekend I had Christmas with my daddy's family. We ate tons of good food, tried to see Santa, went caroling (my Nana's idea), opened presents and played with cousins. I loved seeing everyone! Check out my pictures!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

This morning we woke up to a Winter Wonderland! There was snow everywhere!!! It was so exciting! Before we left for school, Mommy let me stand outside so I could feel the snow. Then she snapped a picture of me. At school today, my teachers let us play outside for a short time. I missed the snow when it all melted.

Present time!

The other night Mommy and Daddy were talking and not paying attention to me, so I used it as a opportunity to open a Christmas present. I was hoping for some GI Joe or a truck, but it ended up being some stinky perfume Daddy got Mommy. Maybe next time, I'll open a different present!