Monday, May 25, 2009

Just Like Daddy

For Memorial Day I thought I'd try to grill just like my Daddy. I got the tongs out of the drawer in the kitchen and went outside and tried to find some chicken on the grill. I was so bummed and I found out the grill was empty! Maybe one day I can grill like Daddy...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Antics in the Back Seat

While driving home from school on Friday I decided to see if I could lick my knee. Yep! I sure can! I don't know why Mommy was laughing so hard in the front seat.

Mommy and Me

This fabulous picture is Me and Mommy out to eat on Friday night. I love my Mommy!!

I'm a Big Boy Now

Well, I decided that it was time for Mommy and Daddy to put me at the table instead of that boring old highchair. Look at me eating like a big boy!

Mother's Day Fun

For Mother's Day we traveled to my great Aunt Tubby's house out in the country. I got to see all my cousins and play with my Mimi and Papaw. I saw cows, chickens, baby chicks, guineas and rabbits. I even rode in a motorized kiddie four wheeler! I loved the country! This is a picture of me with my cousins, Katherine and Dustin at the "kiddie table."